The fourth wave means that, for the first time, machines can reliably classify documents and extract data, without the need to previously train with document samples
The fourth wave means that, for the first time, machines can reliably classify documents and extract data, without the need to previously train with document samples
Human Resource Management as a Service makes the execution of tasks more efficient with lower costs, less risk, while ensuring data security and privacy.
Virtual teams are part of the global era and the new way of working. Depend on collaborative tools that provide work alignment and minimize physical distance
Automating HR procedures and at the same time protect personal data in HR is possible with Uniksystem’s Employee Portal, which collects, stores and deletes data in compliance with the GDPR
One of the ways to prevent risks of cyberattacks, data theft, compromise of systems, among others, is to use low-code enterprise platforms developed from scratch with security and privacy features.
We’re looking for new team members with the profile of .Net Developer
Low-Code at the service of automation, as a solution for the digital transformation of many companies. Accelerates the development process and mitigates the shortage of IT professionals