
Cybersecurity a mandatory and urgent investment

The digital world in which we live, and that every day becomes even more digital, the risks associated with cybersecurity have decisive impacts on the future (or closure) of many organizations, whether public or private.

On-demand training and business success

On-demand training and business success

In Employee Portal, a unique area will soon be available, with constantly updated training content, which will allow your company or organization to have a permanent knowledge dynamic. All this in a single place that allows you to record the entire life path of an employee in your organization.

Onboarding: Exceeding Expectations with a Unique Experience!

People management in companies whose human resources are managed by the administration or even by an HR team, requires a lot of time investment if that company does not have the right tools. With an Employee Portal, the company can centralize information, empower the employee in their journey within the company

Collaborative work: return to the future

Pandemic, for UnikSystem was time to think how we could facilitate the work of leaders and people’s managers across organizations. To be able, in a simple and intuitive way, to contact more and better with all employees and above all do not disperse efforts and work.