By 2026, more than 80% of enterprises will have used generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) application programming interfaces (APIs) or models, and/or deployed GenAI-enabled applications in production environments, up from less than 5% in 2023, according to Gartner.
Email AI Automation
Zero Inbox email policy automation to increase efficiency
28% of the work day is spent reading and answering emails, manually.
Data entry Automation
Extract complex, unstructured data with 99.9% accuracy and Self-learning AI
Data you can trust, extracted from documents of any format or handwriting.
AI automation to increase efficiency by 70%
In context information powered by LLM to deliver immediate knowledge.
Process Efficiency
50% of organizations will deploy document and process automation by 2025
6x faster deploys with a 360º unique approach.
The Experts Agree: Low-Code Is a Complete Game-Changer
Gartner forecasts that 75% of all application development will be low code by 2025.
Explore the latest IT Innovation research and insights.

Insights From Forrester’s 2023 Global Digital Process Automation Survey
In Forrester’s Q2 2023 Digital Process Automation Survey, three primary trends came into focus: 1) Organizations hit the pause button on digital transformation (DT) in the wake of economic uncertainty and tightening budgets; 2) process intelligence has gained momentum as the need for process insights and data-driven approaches escalates; and 3) process optimization has become everyone’s job (…)

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Low-Code Development Technologies Market to Grow 20%
In the dynamic landscape of software development, Low-Code technologies have emerged as a game-changer, propelling the industry into a new era of efficiency and innovation. According to a recent report by Gartner, the global Low-Code development market is poised for remarkable growth, with a projected 20 percent increase in 2023.

IDC Forecasts Strong Growth for Low-Code, No-Code, and Intelligent Developer Technologies
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to accelerate their growth. One such transformative approach gaining prominence is Low-Code Development. In this article, we delve into the findings of a recent IDC report and explore how Low-Code is becoming the catalyst for unparalleled business expansion.