Time Management
Time Registration
Time Management can be done in several ways.
This can be done by registering attendance at the Employee Portal, by recording and attributing working times or by registering “Time-outs".
The employee himself, on the Employee Portal, can justify his absences, attaching proof and submitting his justification for absence for approval.

Vacation Booking
On the Employee Portal, employees can make their requests for booking holidays, in accordance with established legal rules and in accordance with specific rules of the employer.
Taking into account the possible vacation days, it registers the periods and submits them for superior approval.

Vacation Approval
With the possibility of several levels of approval, whoever is defined in the workflows will receive notifications by email that there are stages in the approval workflows awaiting their intervention.
Who has the responsibility of approving holidays, checks overlapping teams’ holidays and makes decisions accordingly.
Holiday approval management is one of the most time-consuming tasks for the HR teams, since in many cases it is handled via excel, or by email, making the process of analyzing overlaps and approval processes more difficult.

Point chipping
With the Unikpeople applications, time stamping can be done digitally, through entry registration (check-in) and exit registration (check-out) or it can be integrated with the employee’s own computer login.
Likewise, it is possible to integrate the Employee Portal with time clocking software and equipment.
The integration of these variables for salary processing is fully assured. automatically, by Unikpeople software.

Employee Portal
- Vacation Management
- Vacation map
- Absence Management
- Registration of Working Times
- Management of Scales and Shifts
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- → Mod. attendance
Cloud or OnPrem
If cloud computing offers lower costs, greater scalability and affordability, on-premise solutions (OnPrem) provide greater security, visibility and control.
With Uniksystem, you can choose the most suitable model, and even change it over time (total flexibility), in line with the ever-updated business priorities.

See also the Employee Portal

The Unikpeople suite of applications includes the Employee Portal, which is normally used with the Performance Assessment Portal, to ensure automation and simplification of the remaining human resource management processes.

Contact us! Start simplifying your HR management today!
Talk to our team of experts to analyze how it applies to your reality.